Washington - General Electric developed a compact disc (CD) with new technology, so it can store data up to 500 GB. For now, these products will be designated for the storage needs of digital data archives, but not impossible will be thrown to the public market.
The size of the disk is the same as an usual CD or DVD disc. The ability to store data more than the DVD and Blu-ray technology for implementing micro-holographic. With this technology, the digital information stored in three-dimensional (3D).

The hardware and its format is very similar to the currently optical storage technology, so the holographic micro-disk can be used to play CD, DVD, and Blue-ray
GE currently now is still doing partnership with a hardware developer to producting those CDs, the market-target are TV Station, Radio Station, Hospitally, and other factory which need high space capacity to save their data.
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GE Develop a High Capacity of CD up to 500 GB
Description : Washington - General Electric developed a compact disc (CD) with new technology, so it can store data up to 500 GB. For now, these products ...
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