Shortcuts is a way or steps to ease a person or computer user to open an application or files quickly. Steps to make it too easy. You just right click on desktop and selecting "New | Shortcut." Then you only enter the desired command.
Here is a trick that some of you may not know it, for example is to create a shortcut to run Windows Explorer with a variety of views. With the addition of this command will open Windows Explorer with a different look, depending on the order of what you write. To do this do the following trick.
Create a shortcut by right-clicking on the desktop and was followed by selecting "New | Shortcut." At the command line enter the file "explorer.exe" by clicking the browse button and select the file "explorer.exe" which is available in the Windows root directory (C:\Windows). To view these files on your desktop called whatever. Then click "Finish".
Thus one has posted a shortcut on the desktop. Now, the next step, right click on the shortcut and select "Properties". There are two commands that you can add the "/n" or "/e". Add one command behind the command that has been available. Attention: give space between the previous command with new command. When writing the command would look like the following.
for example: C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe /n
The command "/n" will bring up a Windows Explorer like view when you open "My Documents" on the desktop.